Buying Services and Advice

MGP can answer all of your questions about buying a property in Murcia

MGP offer a wide range of services and advice to potential buyers. If you are thinking of buying a property please get in touch to see how we can help. Below you can see a range of pre and post purchase services we offer:

MORTGAGES – we work with a number of brokers and banks. If you require a mortgage please use our CONTACT form so we can put you in touch with the right person. It is advisable to get an agreement in principle before you visit, meaning that you can reserve a property with confidence if you see the one you want to buy.

VISAS / RESIDENCY – There are different types of visa available including the Digital Nomad Visa. It is also possible to take up full time residency in Spain, subject to certain criteria. To speak with an expert adviser please use our CONTACT form and we’ll put you in touch. Our advisers can offer tax and visa advice for those considering a permanent move to Spain.

CURRENCY TRANSFERS – We use two highly rated currency firms to help save you money with your transfers. Please see our Currency Transfer page for more info at SEE HERE

AREA INFORMATION – Are you unsure which area is best for you and your family? We can advise. Please use our CONTACT FORM to get in touch and we’ll be pleased to help.

AFTER-SALES SERVICES – We offer a wide range of aftersales services to owners. You may want to install a swimming pool, update the kitchen or add glass curtains. We can also recommend legal firms and property managers. For more information see AFTERSALES

We have put together a comprehensive guide to answer all of your questions about buying a property in Murcia.

In order to download our FREE comprehensive buying guide, please enter your details in the form below. You will then be taken to a page where you can download the free guide as a PDF.

To see comments from previous MGP customers see testimonials.

If you would like to discuss any aspect of buying a property in Murcia do not hesitate to contact us

Buying advice